Guest Submission by Marta García Camacho, 2C
Once upon a time, two animals lived in the Mediterranean Sea, a Dolphin and a Squid.
“I want to sing!” - shouted the Dolphin.
The Dolphin wanted to sing in the “Great Sea Show.” All the animals laughed at him. The rest of the fishes hated him because he was a mammal. He was different from the others. He was a scary and ugly Dolphin. He only had one friend, a small Squid.
“I trust you” said the Squid “I know that you have a great voice”
The Dolphin cried. The Squid believed in him. The Dolphin appreciated that. But he wanted to be a respected animal, like the others. Anyway, he wrote his name on the show’s list.
It was the day of the show. He was going to sing. He was nervous. The Dolphin went onto the stage. A perfect voice went out of his mouth and he sang a perfect song with a perfect rhythm. The fishes clapped him. The Dolphin became a famous singer. They had a lot of friends. All the fishes gave presents to him. He always had a crowd behind. The Squid was alone. His best friend, the Dolphin, ignored him when the squid was the only one that trusted him. The Squid was sad.
One year later, there was going to be another “Great Sea Show.” Obviously the Dolphin went there. Nothing had changed in this last year, although, the Dolphin had become more famous. He was surrounded by false friends. The Dolphin didn’t notice it because he always wanted to be a famous singer. As a surprise, in the show, a fish sang better than him. All the animals went with the fish. The Dolphin was alone. He discovered that all those animals were false friends. He remembered the great moments with the squid in other times.
“Can we be friends again?” asked the Dolphin to the Squid.
“Dolphin, fame is temporary, but a friend is for ever” said the Squid.
That is how the Dolphin learnt about fame and friendship. Some things aren’t for ever. Also, you can share fame with your friends and your family. People that love you for the way you are is better than the people that love you for what you do. It is better to be a puddle near the ocean than a temporary wave in a little sea.
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