Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Using the Sun to Clean Water

By Elías Hernandis Prieto, 1B
Johnathan Liow with his water-purifying invention, the "Solarball."

Over two million children die annually from preventable causes, such as contaminated water, and that number is currently growing due to fast urbanization and population growth. In order to help those people who don't have access to clean water, a student called Jonathan Liow has created the "Solarball." Solarball is a ball divided in two parts, in the lower part you have to put the dirty water. Then you leave the Solarball in a place where the sun touches it. At the end of the day you will have 3 liters of the cleanest water you can think of.

According to Mr. Liow, he got the idea after a trip. "After visiting Cambodia in 2008, and seeing the immense lack of everyday products we take for granted, I was inspired to use my design skills to help others," Mr Liow said.
As a consequence of this incredible invention, he has won many ecological awards, but he has also been granted a job in an Australian design company. The Solarball has since been named as a nalist in the 2011 Australian Design Awards - James Dyson Award, and will be displayed at the Milan International Design Fair. Johnathan Liow is currently in the process of looking for money to get the ball manufactured and distributed thoughout the whole world.

More information here: 

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