Sunday, December 19, 2010

Madrid v. Barcelona Commentary

By Reyes Florido Cabrillana, 1B


Madrid versus Barça…what can I say?

A complete disaster! I thought it was going to be a little bit interesting, but 5-0? That is not interesting! There were only 4 men that marked 5 goals: 2 by Villa, 1 by Xavi, 1 by Pedro and 1 by Jeffren. I can’t imagine that. I think most people thought both teams were going to mark one goal at least each of them.

People said that the Real Madrid didn’t play like a team but without this they are very proud. Others said that Real Madrid didn’t play like they meant it and without this they aren’t proud of them.

Whith Barça, the fans were very proud, happy and all that they can say good of them. But, what I said is the Barça is a really good team, or the Real Madrid didn’t play like their fans thought they needed to play.

Municipal Elections Update

By Carolina Sánchez Navalón, 2C

On the next 22nd of May of 2011, the inhabitants of Madrid are going to celebrate democracy.

The next Spanish autonomic elections are going to be celebrated that day. Voting is going to be held in thirteen of the seventeen Spanish autonomous communities, only Andalucía, Cataluña, Galicia and País Vasco are not going to celebrate the elections to their autonomic parliaments this day. For example, Sunday, 28th of November were celebrated the elections of Cataluña.

Additionally, this day are going to be celebrated the elections for the Town Hall of the 8,000 municipalities that exist in Spain (municipal elections). In this article we are going to concentrate on Madrid, both the city, and the autonomous community’s elections.  

In Madrid’s Town Hall there is a representation of three political groups, El Partido Popular (PP) whose candidate is Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón; El Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) whose candidate is Jaime Lissavetzky and Izquierda Unida whose candidate is Ángel Pérez. At the moment, Madrid’s Mayor is Ruiz-Gallardón, and Ángel Pérez is a councilman while Lissavetzky is Secretary of State for Sports in Spain’s Government. The city of Madrid has approximately 3.5 million inhabitants who are going to be governed during the four next years by the group or groups that could obtain the political majority.

Reporter Carolina with PSOE candidate Tomás Gomez.
Now we are going to talk about the Community of Madrid, with more than 6 million of inhabitants. In Madrid’s Assembly, our autonomous parliament, are represented the same political groups: PP, whose candidate Is Esperanza Aguirre, current President of the Community of Madrid; PSOE whose candidate is Tomás Gomez, who comes from winning a primary elections, and previously, he was Parla’s mayor and lastly, IU, whose candidate is Gregorio Gordo, who is now Deputy of Madrid’s Assembly.

There are a lot and different surveys about opinions, but just the vote of everyone that lives in Madrid would tell us who is going to be the politicians in power until the year 2015, a date that seems far away. I encourage everyone to vote if they are old enough.

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

By Marta Rojas Alfaro, 1B
Many people think that Harry Potter is not scary and is a very interesting movie. They also think that the director is a bad person because each ticket for the cinema costs about 6 Euros and, with the last movie, the director divided it into two movies to be richer.
In my opinion, the movie is horrible and boring because it is not interesting. I agree that the director is a scoundrel because it not fair that from one book the director made two movies. I think it is more interesting to read the books because they gave you more information than in the movies.           The main character is Harry Potter and the actor is named Daniel Radcliffe, his best friend is called Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and the girl is called Emma Watson (Hermione Granger).                                               

The Two Toucans - A Fable

Guest Submission by Carla Urbano Valero, 2D
Long, long ago, in a remote jungle of the Amazon, two colourful toucans lived. They both had the same passion, singing. They loved to sing, and they did it very well. Their dream was to travel around the world and to be great singers known worldwide.
Every morning, the animals were coming around them to listen to their songs. A sunny spring day, a circus arrived at the place. All the animals made a circle around the beautiful big top. A monkey came out from the inside.
“Greetings, my dear friends, we’re ‘THE MOON CIRCUS’ and we come looking for great artists to join us in our tour round America,” presented himself loudly.
There was a racket in the jungle until the monkey said:
“I’ll give you a day to think about it.”
Up in the tree, the toucans had a discussion.
“I think we could go,” Kaythun exclaimed enthusiastically.
“I’m not going to waste my voice in a circus, I want to be famous, not to make people laugh, declared Isseyon.
“Well, think about it, it is the opportunity of our lives,” replied Kaythun.
“Sure there will be more opportunities and better ones,” added Isseyon.
“Do not trust,” advised Kaythun wisely.
The next day, Kaythun went to the circus and Isseyon went to give his farewells, while he thought “I’ll find something better where my voice will be truly rewarded.”
Years and years later, the jungle continued as it was, until one day news of Kaythun came; he had become a famous and well-known singer. Since that day all the Isseyon songs said:
“Opportunity seldom knocks twice.”

Fame is Not For Ever - A Fable

Guest Submission by Marta García Camacho, 2C

Once upon a time, two animals lived in the Mediterranean Sea, a Dolphin and a Squid.
“I want to sing!” - shouted the Dolphin.
The Dolphin wanted to sing in the “Great Sea Show.” All the animals laughed at him. The rest of the fishes hated him because he was a mammal. He was different from the others.  He was a scary and ugly Dolphin. He only had one friend, a small Squid.
 “I trust you” said the Squid “I know that you have a great voice”
The Dolphin cried. The Squid believed in him. The Dolphin appreciated that. But he wanted to be a respected animal, like the others. Anyway, he wrote his name on the show’s list.
It was the day of the show. He was going to sing. He was nervous. The Dolphin went onto the stage. A perfect voice went out of his mouth and he sang a perfect song with a perfect rhythm. The fishes clapped him. The Dolphin became a famous singer. They had a lot of friends. All the fishes gave presents to him. He always had a crowd behind. The Squid was alone. His best friend, the Dolphin, ignored him when the squid was the only one that trusted him. The Squid was sad.
One year later, there was going to be another “Great Sea Show.” Obviously the Dolphin went there. Nothing had changed in this last year, although, the Dolphin had become more famous. He was surrounded by false friends. The Dolphin didn’t notice it because he always wanted to be a famous singer. As a surprise, in the show, a fish sang better than him. All the animals went with the fish. The Dolphin was alone. He discovered that all those animals were false friends. He remembered the great moments with the squid in other times.
 “Can we be friends again?” asked the Dolphin to the Squid.
 “Dolphin, fame is temporary, but a friend is for ever” said the Squid.
That is how the Dolphin learnt about fame and friendship. Some things aren’t for ever. Also, you can share fame with your friends and your family. People that love you for the way you are is better than the people that love you for what you do. It is better to be a puddle near the ocean than a temporary wave in a little sea.

My Favorite TV Program

By Marta Rojas, 1B
My favorite TV program is “El hormiguero” (that is in the channel four) because each week they have one famous person as a guest. I like this program because you can learn information about these people. With each famous person they do different things. For example they cook or they make science experiments and you learn lots of things. You can see this program in the television every day at 21:30-22:30, except Friday and the weekend.
They have two ants that are call “Trancas” and “Barrancas” who tell jokes all the time. They are very funny because they are two ants that can speak and ants cannot talk and you never see ants talking. They laugh about the presenter who is called Pablo Motos. They laugh because he is very short. This program is very funny and I recommend it to all of you.

Real Madrid Falls from the Upper Stairs

By Marco Montero, 2C

On the 29th of November the Real Madrid football team were scored on 5 times. The Barcelona football team played very good by moving the ball from one side to the other,  passing it between all the players, but the Real Madrid football team got the ball and went straight to the goal door without looking for someone that could help them in the attack.

Barcelona’s team coach, Guardiola, spoke to his players while Mourinho, the Real Madrid’s team coach, was sitting on his chair. The Barcelona’s coach was more involved in the match than the Real Madrid’s one.

Barcelona’s football team got a lot of opportunities meanwhile the Real Madrid football team got very few ones. The result was 5-0 for Barcelona. The sports Commentator commenting the match said that the Real Madrid football team kept on walking and the Barcelona made a lot of  tricks with the ball while the Real Madrid’s players were looking. The Barcelona football team had time to do whatever they wanted and they could also had scored some more goals. The Barcelona’s football team had the ball mostly and they deserved to win.

Winter Fashion

By María Golvano, 1B
As autumn passes, concerns about keeping warm led me to the task of buying cotton pants and try to wear them under jeans—mission impossible! Because the jeans have to be one size larger than you normally use for you to wear above the other pants. Uuufff! I need cold insulating clothing.
On the other hand, having many clothes on your skin is not good because it cannot breathe, causing allergies, discomfort in walking and a delay in taking away many top layers of clothing.
I knew I was not the only one suffering from "cold intolerance," so I started to ask relatives, friends and, specifically, they lady in the underwear section in a store. Then I saw in a glass case some men’s long johns for the cold and I thought, if there is something for men, there has to be something for women. The girl who attended me told me that there are only men's long johns and I stated my problem and she gave me another solution that I loved.
Here is a thermal insulator that retains body heat to act as thermoregulatory clothing. It is also breathable and expels humidity, removing body sweat and thus keeping the body dry. It is also a lightweight garment that allows maximum freedom of movement. It is designed to practice activities in extreme cold weather and even humidity.

Christmas Shopping

By Carolina Sánchez Navalón, 2C

This year, the economic crisis has frozen the Christmas shopping.
Everyone will pay more or less 728 € for presents this year—86 € less than last year, and that was also less than the previous year.

According to an ESADE study, the cost lifts to 800 Euros in these dates and the study notes an 18% decrease in spending from 2008. Most of the people that go to the shopping centres are housewives who want to buy things for their children.

This year’s favorite gifts for girls are, Dolls, table games, games for making jewellery, and for boys things like Bakugan, cars, Pokemon, etc. As in these examples we can affirm that, although we are in the 21st Century, games continue to be gender specific. Many parents are buying their presents on the Web. New this year is a shop, which sells every thing you want, from clothes to games, in Seville called MGI that has decided to sell their products for only 10 €. This is due to the fact of the economic crisis that has eliminated the intermediaries and they sell directly to the public, and for that reason they are cheaper. There are also NGOs and associations that every year give presents to children whose families don’t have money to buy presents.

Although there are many children who still don’t have Christmas presents, and others still not using many presents. However, this Christmas is sure to be a merry one for shops in Spain.

Our First Edition!

I am very pleased to introduce our very first online English Edition of De lunes a viernes! Students from many different classes and years have contributed great reporting and engaging content to this first issue. Because of our truncated timetable, please note that the articles appear with very little peer editing. We hope to continue developing our skills as journalists in the spring semester. That being said, I'm sure the quality will speak for itself. As always, please direct any comments and/or suggestions to Enjoy!