Sunday, December 19, 2010

Municipal Elections Update

By Carolina Sánchez Navalón, 2C

On the next 22nd of May of 2011, the inhabitants of Madrid are going to celebrate democracy.

The next Spanish autonomic elections are going to be celebrated that day. Voting is going to be held in thirteen of the seventeen Spanish autonomous communities, only Andalucía, Cataluña, Galicia and País Vasco are not going to celebrate the elections to their autonomic parliaments this day. For example, Sunday, 28th of November were celebrated the elections of Cataluña.

Additionally, this day are going to be celebrated the elections for the Town Hall of the 8,000 municipalities that exist in Spain (municipal elections). In this article we are going to concentrate on Madrid, both the city, and the autonomous community’s elections.  

In Madrid’s Town Hall there is a representation of three political groups, El Partido Popular (PP) whose candidate is Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón; El Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) whose candidate is Jaime Lissavetzky and Izquierda Unida whose candidate is Ángel Pérez. At the moment, Madrid’s Mayor is Ruiz-Gallardón, and Ángel Pérez is a councilman while Lissavetzky is Secretary of State for Sports in Spain’s Government. The city of Madrid has approximately 3.5 million inhabitants who are going to be governed during the four next years by the group or groups that could obtain the political majority.

Reporter Carolina with PSOE candidate Tomás Gomez.
Now we are going to talk about the Community of Madrid, with more than 6 million of inhabitants. In Madrid’s Assembly, our autonomous parliament, are represented the same political groups: PP, whose candidate Is Esperanza Aguirre, current President of the Community of Madrid; PSOE whose candidate is Tomás Gomez, who comes from winning a primary elections, and previously, he was Parla’s mayor and lastly, IU, whose candidate is Gregorio Gordo, who is now Deputy of Madrid’s Assembly.

There are a lot and different surveys about opinions, but just the vote of everyone that lives in Madrid would tell us who is going to be the politicians in power until the year 2015, a date that seems far away. I encourage everyone to vote if they are old enough.

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